Coalition’s proactive risk management platform

In addition to being an underwriter, Coalition is a risk engineer and technology company. At no additional cost, and without payment of a deductible, Coalition provides a proprietary attack service monitoring tool, automated threat and intelligence alerts, DDoS mitigation, security awareness training, patch reminders and bug bounty programs.

Each eligible law firm that has provided their domain information will have access to its unique dashboard providing detailed information on the real-time status of their internet footprint, including all red flags. You can access your firm’s dashboard by pasting “” into your browser and starting an account using your email provided to you by your firm. We urge firms to review their dashboard regularly to obtain the most effective protection. If we all do our part to reduce cyber-attacks on BC law firms, we will keep the program running and cost affordable for BC lawyers.

Coalition also provides support on the most effective methods to mitigate cyber risk at no, or extremely low, cost to implement: multi-factor authentication, email security, routing backups, wire transfer verification, and password management. This information will be available in the dashboard.

Monitoring information is provided to you on a single dashboard

Credential Monitor helps you discover leaked passwords and information before a hacker does.

  1. Ongoing scanning of the dark web for exposed information - Many businesses are unaware they have information leaked on the Internet, which exposes them to substantial risk and gives hackers the keys to their front door. Coalition continually scans the dark web for exposed information so you don’t have to.
  2. Proactive notifications when they discover leaked information – Coalition alerts your firm as soon as they discover an employee’s password or personally identifying information (PII) on the dark web. They also provide recommendations on password managers and data encryption to keep your firm safe.
  3. Access to experts to improve your security - Have questions about how to secure your passwords or leaked information? Coalition’s in-house Security Team is available to help. All security support that they provide before a claim occurs is free, so what are you waiting for?
Patch Manager continually scans your systems for out-of-date software and vulnerabilities, and alerts you immediately if something is found.
Threat Monitor looks for new risks, alerting you before damages is done.
DDos Mitigation service provided by Coalition can be set up by you in under 4 minutes to protect your website against hackers.
Ransomware prevention is comprehensive threat detection software providing protection from dangerous malware attacks that escape detection by traditional antivirus solutions.
Security awareness training is a key part of any cyber-risk management. Coalition will provide tools to help inform your employees about potential risks and how to avoid them.